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Spanish Club teaches Zumba at TES


The goal of the Spanish club is to give students the opportunity to learn about the culture and language of Spanish speaking countries so that they gain an awareness of the diversity that exists among the more than 20 Spanish speaking countries in the world. Throughout the year, we learn about holidays, celebrations, food, music, and icons that allow students to expand their cultural awareness.

For the last three years, the students of the Tallassee High School Spanish Club have participated in the annual Culture program at Tallassee Elementary. Sponsor and Spanish teacher Ms. Katie Jackson works with students to lead a Zumba song during the program. Zumba is a dance-exercise program that is based around Latin music rhythms such as merengue, bachata, cumbia, and salsa.

The Spanish Club students love to do Zumba as part of our meetings during the school year so being able to share that with others is a major highlight of our activities! The club enjoys being able to share with the elementary school and see how excites the students of TES get as they jump, clap, and move with the music while learning a few words in Spanish! 

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