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The downtown fire in 2009

What are the prospects for a future hotel?

By Michael Butler

The Hotel Talisi was not just a place known for its famous fried chicken, it was also a place to accommodate visitors to our town. The building was damaged from a fire back in 2009. It has been shut down ever since.

Renovations have been made to the landmark, but no date has been set for its reopening.

Tallassee has the Travel Inn for lodging. It also has the Guest House. There is rental housing that provides living space.

A hotel with more space for events with modern amenities and meeting space would be a welcome addtion.

Tallassee Chamber of Commerce executive director Michone Roye said it has been a while since she has had an inquiry from representatives considering Tallassee for a hotel, but she receives requests quite often from those in search of a place to stay.

"Maybe we need to start marketing for a hotel," she said. "We need one. You would be amazed how many calls I get asking about hotels here. It happens every month."

As for bringing back the Hotel Talisi, Roye would love to see it.

"I think it would be great. It would definitely revive downtown."

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